HI, I'm Kate Orson

I'm the author of Tears Heal: How to Listen to our children and Re-imagining The World. I work as a coach in various forms, helping parents with their children's emotions, teaching writing as a therapeutic practise and as a Sexological Bodyworker I help people become more embodied and experience more pleasure. In this course Healing Conversations, I'm sharing listening skills I learnt to relate more authentically to each other, heal from the past emotions that still trigger us in the present, and help to unify the divide we are currently experiencing in our society.

Healing Conversations

Talking and listening to each other can be a powerful healer. The natural human ways we express emotion through having a good cry, or a good laugh allow us to release tension, and help us to heal from trauma.

Yet in our society, we often don’t know how to listen, or be listened to. In everyday conversation people tend to interrupt each other, offer advice, and try to ‘fix’ without truly hearing the other. In Healing Conversations you’ll learn how to undo the habits of everyday habits of conversation to uncover your natural ability to listen to others, and heal through simple exchanges of talking and listening. You’ll learn how the ways we talk and listen to each other can build closeness and community, and help to mend division.

The Healing Power Of Tears

 In many indigenous cultures there was a tradition of deeply listening to others, so that one person could follow their own train of thought without interruption. There was also an understanding of the powerful healing effects that this kind of listening can have.

Native American’s have healing circles, where a talking stick is passed around, so only those holding the stick are allowed to speak. Australian aborigines, have a concept of ‘dadirri,’ a kind of meditative listening that can help people to heal from trauma, by talking about the past in a safe space. Together in Healing Conversations we will uncover the innate skill to listen.


Many of us want to escape the isolation of the past two years, and build new communities based on connection and authenticity. We want more closeness, we want to live in co-operation with others. And yet how can we do this when we carry the emotional baggage of the past? This course will give you the skills to discern what is past hurt, and what is present so you can release triggers and return to connection with others.

Bridging The Great Divide

Has there ever been a time when society has been so divided? Lost friendships, family rifts. Difference of opinion. Healing Conversations teaches concepts of radical honesty, yet also how to converse in a way that is non-divisive, and focused on connection rather than the need to be 'right.' With these skills we can begin to mend the great divide and play our part in helping humanity move towards unity.

The Benefits Of The Listening Process

Listening time with Kate offers me a safe place (where I feel listened to and don’t feel judged. I can get all of those overwhelming thoughts and emotions out in the open, talk about them, process them. Then I can then go back to my daughter with a clear mind and soul. I am ore able to connect with her, truly see her and not being triggered as much by her behaviour. I can be the parent she needs. – A.L

Course Structure

Each week consists of readings, videos and journal and listening activities to follow and practise in your own time. We will meet once a week on Zoom for a listening circle to share how it all went and exchange listening time (time when each member of the group gets to share while everyone else listens). There will also be the opportunity to connect 1-1 with other members of the course to create listening partnerships that can be life-long relationships beyond the end of the course.


Week 1 – No Advice Necessary: Laughter, Tears And All The Ways We Heal

Conversation can be a powerful healing experience. We can connect to each other, and listen deeply. However our upbringing and the wider culture we absorb unconscious habits that draw ourselves and others away from our emotions, and deeply listening to each other.

In this first week, I’ll draw attention to the conversational habits that can get in a way of listening, and healing, and how we can start to have more healing conversations.


Week 2 – Beginning Listening Partnerships

A listening partnership is when two people get together to exchange timed sessions of talking and listening. In this second week you’ll cover everything you need to set up a regular listening partnership; including how to choose a partner, how to listen and help your partner connect with their emotions to heal.

Week 3 – Healing Conversations – Taking your skills into everyday conversations

In this third week we’ll focus on further developing your listening skills in everyday conversations. We’ll cover what’s different about this approach to timed listening partnerships. You’ll learn how being a better listener, can improve relationships with friend’s and family.

Week 4 – Honesty, boundaries, and difficult conversations

Listening is a precious skill and one to use carefully. Opening yourself up to be the listener everyone wants can become draining if not done with limits. In this class we’ll focus on boundaries, and how being honest about your needs can improve your psychological wellbeing (and even according to one study; your physical health). We’ll also cover using listening skills in more difficult conversations, in times of conflict and disagreement. Learn to speak your truth, get your needs met, and have your boundaries honoured.

Week 5 – The Deeper Work – Diving Deeper Into Listening Partnerships

When you really dedicate time to a regular listening partnership relationship there is the potential for deep healing. In this class we’ll explore the wounds and struggles that recur in your life, and how to work deeper to specifically focus on them. The aim is that with a regular practise you can let go of past hurts that get triggered in the present, so that you can return to a natural state of joy and wellbeing.

Week 6 – Building Community

In this final week we’ll explore how you can take your skills into the wider world, and start building the kind of community you want to live in with the enriching relationships you want to have. We’ll work on any fears and worries, that you can come back to your sparkling creative mind, full of ideas, for how we can co-create a better world.

Bonuses: -

  • Working on feelings around scarcity
  • roleplaying to help build confidence to speak your truth, and take action in your life.

Starting Monday March 21st

6 weekly Zoom calls, starting, Monday March 28th at 9.30 UK time

Or Tuesday 29th at 4pm UK time